folder; one of these two sources is likely to answer your questions. Please drop me a line if you need further assistance. Good luck with integrating libxspf.
XspfReaer reader;
You use the reader like this:
XML_Char const * const baseUri = _PT("http://example.org/"); reader.parseFile(_PT("playlist.xspf"), NULL, baseUri);
That _PT() thing is a macro to support Unicode. More details on this later. The second parameter is the callback object that will receive playlist and track information as they are made available; it can be NULL
if you just want to verify that the given file is valid XSPF version 0 or 1 but do not need any more specific information about it. In general it is a pointer to an instance of a class derived from XspfReaderCallback. That means it can override these functions:
void addTrack(XspfTrack * track); void setProps(XspfProps * props); void notifyFatalError(..); bool handleError(..); bool handleWarning(..); void notifySuccess();
The first two of these are called by the reader when new information is made available; setProps() will be called once per playlist (if the reader has not stopped before due to an error) but addTrack() can be called multiple times.
or one of the error codes. More details about the error occured are passed to the XspfReaderCallback in use.
XML_Char const * const baseUri = _PT("http://example.org/"); XspfWriter * const writer = XspfWriter::makeWriter(formatter, baseUri);
The first parameter is an XML formatter (an instance of a class derived from XspfXmlFormatter) which will mainly control the whitespace in the XML output. libxspf already comes with two built-in formatters: XspfIndentFormatter which creates well-indented XML output and XspfSeamlessFormatter which does not create any whitespace at all. The second parameter is the base URI used to shorten URIs where possible.
If our playlist itself has properties we have to set them before adding any tracks:
XspfProps props;
/* Fill in props */
You could set the playlist's creation time like this:
XspfDateTime dateTime(2006, 8, 28, 11, 30, 11, 1, 0); props.lendDate(&dateTime);
Similar to the steal/get duality introduced earlier you have to choose between the "lend" and "give" function family when setting information. The whole thing again is only about memory ownership: The lend functions do not transfer ownership, the give functions do. The give family also offers to copy the memory or to assign existing memory. To make this more clear calling
props.giveTitle(_PT("Some title"), XspfData::TRANSFER);
would be a bad idea since the memory would not be copied but still be deleted on destruction. You should use
props.lendTitle(_PT("Some title"));
in this case.
Back to the writer: When you have created a XspfWriter instance you can let it write its content to file:
In this case that would make a valid playlist without any tracks. So before writing the playlist you should add your tracks:
XspfTrack track;
track.lendCreator(_PT("Breaking Benjamin"));
When addTrack() is called the track information is appended to an internal buffer which is written when writeFile() is called eventually. You can add the same track several times and you can call writeFile() several times to write the same playlist to several files; what you cannot do is add more tracks after writing the playlist to a file: You will have to call reset() to start over with an empty track list first.
A popular example is billion laughs, of which an XSPF version could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE billion [ <!ELEMENT billion (#PCDATA)> <!ENTITY laugh0 "ha"> <!ENTITY laugh1 "&laugh0;&laugh0;"> <!ENTITY laugh2 "&laugh1;&laugh1;"> <!ENTITY laugh3 "&laugh2;&laugh2;"> <!ENTITY laugh4 "&laugh3;&laugh3;"> ... <!ENTITY laugh30 "&laugh29;&laugh29;"> ]> <playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/"> <title>&laugh30;</title> <trackList /> </playlist>
With malicious XML detection enabled, libxspf sets certain limits to the values of entities. Currently these limits are:
The above billion laughs example has these metrics:
Entity | Length | Lookup Sum | Lookup Depth |
laugh0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
laugh1 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
laugh2 | 8 | 6 | 2 |
laugh3 | 16 | 14 | 3 |
laugh4 | 32 | 30 | 4 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
laugh30 | 2,147,483,648 | 2,147,483,646 | 30 |
laughn | 2^(n+1) | 2^(n+1)-2 | n |
Looking at laugh30 all three values are much higher than those of most peaceful XML files. Through calling
you can make a XspfReader instance protocol these metrics in order to detect malicious XML. Also, all of these metrics can be limited and adjusted individually; for instance this is how to limit the lookup depth to a maximum of 2: